PIEVC Protocol: context, status and new directions

On August 25, 2022, Ernesto Rodriguez-Sanchez, adaptation and resilience consultant, participated in the first webinar of a series on the PIEVC Protocol organized by the Climate Risk Institute (CRI), Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR), in partnership with the German International Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ). This first webinar allowed attendees to learn about the Climate Services Improvement for Infrastructure Investments (CSI) project and to launch a global network of CSIP practitioners.

The following key points emerged from the webinar:


➡ The global ICAVP community has grown in recent years and has consequently allowed for new strategic partnerships such as that of CRI and GIZ. Indeed, the Enhancing climate services for infrastructure investment (CSI) project is one of the many international collaborative projects of GIZ. This project has integrated and developed the PIEVC protocol as a participatory risk assessment tool adapted to the needs of climate change infrastructure planning and management in the partner countries (Brazil, Costa Rica and Vietnam).

➡ The PIEVC, a climate risk management tool, is part of the CSI Climate Data Services ecosystem. This approach has proven to be effective in facilitating conversation among a country’s infrastructure project managers while building capacity at the local level towards building more resilient infrastructure and climate-resilient investments.

➡ Examples of the application of the PIEVC in Costa Rica and Vietnam allowed us to present the way in which the public administrations of these countries have advantageously integrated climate risks into infrastructure planning. Even if the recognized flexibility of the tool makes the management of climate risks less cumbersome and complex, there is still room for improvement in its participatory approach, which would allow local knowledge to be better taken into account.

CCG congratulates this strategic partnership between CRI, ICLR and GIZ that leverages Canada’s global expertise in climate action to advance systems thinking in infrastructure resilience decision-making.

Link to the webinar serie: https://climateriskinstitute.ca/2022/07/26/climate-change-vulnerability-and-risk-assessment-infrastructure-webinar-series/



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