CCG Climat EN

Green funding

Green funding can take the form of grants, incentives or loans that finance projects with the potential to reduce pollution or energy consumption.

Assistance in finding funding for SMEs

Due to lack of time, SMEs do not take advantage of modernization opportunities. CCG can assist you in many ways to gain an eased access to information on existing incentives and maximize your chances of obtaining green funding.

Writing funding applications for organizations

CCG has a very high success rate in obtaining funding from application to funding programs. We put this expertise at your service to help you realize your projects.

We operate in the following sectors


Reduce your operating and compliance costs by modernizing your assets while reducing your GHG emissions.


Close to citizens, municipalities are recognized as key players in the fight against climate change.


Grasp the Learn about opportunities to finance your technologies by estimating the GHG emission reductions they generate.


The energy transition calls for actors in the field to rethink energy production, transport and consumption.


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