CCG Climat EN

GHG Inventory

Quantify your GHG emissions or reductions
The vast majority of economic activities generate GHGs, mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas or coal), industrial processes (aluminum smelters, cement plants, etc.), agriculture, forestry and waste management. Thus, every organization generates GHGs through its own activities or through the activities of its value chain.

GHG emissions inventory for companies

CCG helps you identify the motivations that lead you to conduct a GHG emissions inventory:

  • Voluntary disclosure to stakeholders: investors, customers, suppliers, employees, future employees, local residents, partners?
  • Managing the organization’s internal activities while taking into account their carbon costs?
  • Research and development of products or services with a low carbon footprint?
  • Search for financing to reduce GHG emissions?
  • Responding to a client?
  • Obtaining certification?
  • Alignment with corporate social responsibility strategy and strategic positioning?

Depending on the defined objectives, CCG will assist you in completing your GHG emissions inventory by following the standards for recognized protocols such as ISO 14064-1, the GHG Protocol or The Climate Registry. Your organization’s annual inventory provides you with essential information on :

  • “What are the significant emission items under my control?”
  • “What are my current carbon costs?”
  • “When including Scope 3 emissions, what is my value chain’s exposure to carbon constraints?”

GHG Emissions Inventory of a Municipal Organization

A municipality can conduct two types of inventories:

  • A corporate inventory, which assesses the emissions under the organization’s control (its buildings, fleet of vehicles, etc.).
  • The collective inventory, which assesses emissions from the organization’s territory, including citizen’s travel, industrial and commercial activities, etc.

CCG assists municipal organizations in the development of their corporate and collective inventory as part of FCM’s “Partners for Climate Protection program” or based on standards such as ISO 14064-1 or the “Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories”.

Estimating GHG emission reductions

CCG can estimate the GHG emission reductions generated by a clean technology. To do so, we refer to the ISO 14064-2 standard, which is specific to GHG emission reduction projects, to answer the question:

  • “What emissions can my technology avoid?”

Disclosure of climate information

Stakeholders expect organizations to disclose information on their environmental performance and climate commitments. CCG supports you in this exercise, whether you are dealing with investors (CDP) or informing your customers, partners, suppliers or employees.

We operate in the following sectors


Airlines, airports, manufacturers and suppliers together face the challenges of compliance and reducing their GHG emissions.


Have a GHG emissions inventory carried out on your buildings in operation or under construction.


The energy transition calls for actors in the field to rethink energy production, transport and consumption.


Reduce your operating and compliance costs by modernizing your assets while reducing your GHG emissions.


Close to citizens, municipalities are recognized as key players in the fight against climate change.


Grasp the Learn about opportunities to finance your technologies by estimating the GHG emission reductions they generate.


The majority of these companies’ GHG emissions are in their value chain.


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