CCG Climat EN


Validation and verification of GHG declarations
Our experts have been auditing compliance to ISO 14064-3 standard for more than 10 years, in Quebec and internationally. Our fields of activity are forestry, construction, energy, residual materials and environmental technologies.

Verification of a GHG emissions reduction project

Some funding programs require validation and verification of your GHG emission reduction estimates.

Verification of a GHG inventory

To give additional credibility to your GHG inventory, or to meet the requirements of a certification program such as LEED, CCG performs the verification of your GHG claim.

We operate in the following sectors


Have a GHG emissions inventory carried out on your buildings in operation or under construction.


Grasp the Learn about opportunities to finance your technologies by estimating the GHG emission reductions they generate.


The majority of these companies’ GHG emissions are in their value chain.


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